Our School Mission Statement:
“As a First Nation community school, in partnership with parents, Elders and the Pictou Landing First Nation community, we are committed to providing our students a safe and caring learning environment, where high academic expectations, respect for self and others, healthy lifestyles, and the Mi’kmaw language and culture are honoured and promoted.”
Important dates to remember:
January 3rd – First day back after break
January 31st – Science Fair
Congratulations to the grade 7/8 class, on winning $500.00 towards their year end trip. They conducted a community bottle drive, they raised $450.00 and submitted to the Community Heroes contest led by Diverse Nova Scotia. Wela’lin Diverse NS for the opportunity!
Farmers Market Voucher – Your child will be taking home a $10 voucher to be used at a Nova Scotia Farmers Market, which includes ours in New Glasgow.Every child from…